Ed Voss

Meet Ed

Qualifications: BSc Physiotherapy, MSC Physiotherpy, MCSP

Specialist Fields




Becoming a Physiotherapist has always been something that was on my radar but it has taken me a little while to get here. I developed a fascination with the workings of the human body at school and I briefly flirted with the idea of following in my fathers’ footsteps and pursuing a career in medicine. But for one reason or another I decided to study something I was passionate about and that I knew I would enjoy so I took myself off to Leeds to read ‘Anatomy and Physiology’.

Once graduated I decided to go and see some of the world and look for some inspiration. It was on a stroll around Bondi in Sydney, where there were signs everywhere for ‘Physio Wanted’ that I made my decision, and the rest as they say is history.

Doing a job that allows me to work with a huge variety of people, constantly problem solving and learning new skills whilst in awe of the complexity and ingenuity of the human body is a perfect fit for me.

I’ve been at The Courtyard Clinic since 2015, having started off in the NHS and then spending a fantastic year working in Queenstown, New Zealand. The beauty of Physiotherapy is that because we are all unique, with our own anatomy, lifestyles, histories, and goals then every day is different, and there is always something new to learn.

I am committed to staying abreast of the latest research and evidence as I believe all Physiotherapists should be. However, I also think that there is a huge amount we do not yet know about the human body, which is why I take a very open minded and holistic approach to treatment, ensuring that I really get to know my patients and not just their symptoms.

 A key ingredient to successful rehabilitation is understanding, so education plays a significant role in my practice allowing people to know what has happened and why before working on an agreed treatment and rehabilitation program.

Since 2017 I have been working under the mentorship of two of the worlds leading sports and rehab specialists, which has helped me to hone my particular interest of working with a sporting population to assist people recovering from injury and then helping to improve their body mechanics further to increase resilience and performance while reducing the risk of injury