Courtyard Clinic Malmesbury Team

Meet Our Malmesbury Team

Ed Voss

Ed Voss

Physiotherapist and Pilates Instructor

Becoming a Physiotherapist has always been something that was on my radar but it has taken me a little while to get here. I developed a fascination with the workings of the human body at school and I briefly flirted with the idea of following in my fathers’ footsteps and pursuing a career in medicine. Click here to find out more about Ed.

Georgina Robinson

Georgina Robinson

Sports Therapist

As a very keen sportswoman, becoming a Sports Therapist allowed Georgina to continue her involvement in Sports both playing and working. She developed a passion for rehabilitation and will create a tailored rehabilitation programme to ensure a long-term solution to your pain. Click here to find out more about Georgina.

James Forrester-Wood

James Forrester-Wood

Registered Chiropractor

Joining us from Malmesbury Chiropractic Clinic, James has said that he has always been destined to work in the medical industry. Since 2022 James has worked in varied clinical settings, always sticking to his core principles of providing evidence-based treatment to achieve the restoration of function and resolution of symptoms. Click here to find out more about James.

Jo Turner

Jo Turner

Life Coach and Clinic Director

I have been fanatical about sport and all types of exercise since I was a child. Physiotherapy was an obvious career choice for me and being able to teach movement alongside hands-on treatment. Click here to find out more more about Jo 

Matt Sherrington

Matt Sherrington

Physiotherapist and Clinic Director

I am passionate about working with people to overcome their problems and pain. I have learnt that each person is beautifully unique and as such, they need to be listened to and observed. Click here to find out more about Matt.

Ian Thomas

Ian Thomas


Nutrition and the psychology of health behaviours fascinates me. I enjoy learning about pathology and how the body responds to food. My main satisfaction comes from helping people overcome barriers to health, improving their quality of life. Click here to find out more about Ian.

Sarah Jones

Sarah Jones

Soft Tissue Therapist

Sarah provides assessment, treatment, massage and individualised rehab plans for pain and injury. She works together with her clients to find a solution to their pain and a plan to get back to full activity. From getting back into the garden to running a marathon! Don’t need an assessment? Stressed, headaches? Massage can help with that too. Treatments are very individual and tailored to each client. Click here to find out more about Sarah.

Holly Griffiths

Holly Griffiths


Holly enjoys being a chiropractor – getting to help people from all walks of life and with various different musculoskeletal issues. I am guided by the most recent evidence and the NICE clinical guidelines. Holly has also trained to become a pilates instructor. Click here to find out more about Holly.

Ria Woodland

Ria Woodland


Ria is a podiatrist with 17 years of experience in treating foot and ankle conditions. 

Ria has worked in both NHS and private practice developing her clinical skill set in the management of Musculoskeletal conditions and has a keen in interest in human biomechanics managing lower limb pathologies. Click here to find out more about Ria.

Liz Walker

Liz Walker

Foot Health Practitioner

Liz is a qualified foot health practitioner, who recognises the importance of maintaining a healthy and regular foot care routine. Over the  course of her career she has established skills and methods to help clients.

However, one can never stop learning and she strive to keep up to date with new and innovative treatments to apply to her work. Click here to find out more about Liz.

Katie den Os

Katie den Os

MSK Therapist

Katie is a newly qualified physiotherapist. She trained overseas, in Holland, and is currently awaiting her registration with the HCPC (Health Care Professions Council) before she can begin working under the protected title of Physiotherapist. While this is happening Katie will be working under the title of MSK (Musculoskeletal) Therapist.
Click here to find out more about Katie.

Ribert de Kneero

Ribert de Kneero

Resident Adventurer and Educator

Meet Ribert de Kneero our resident skeleton. Whilst the rest of the team are working hard he does enjoy being the fun side of the business going on adventures and sharing his knowledge.

He also considers himself a bit of a comedian so keep an eye out for some of his humerus jokes on Facebook.

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Ready to Make a Change?

Making that first appointment is the most important part. If you’re not quite sure what you need don’t worry, give us a call or send an email. Our job is to help you find the best way forward with the most appropriate treatment plan or class for you.